Monday 3 February 2020

HALF TERM IN LONDON | Staycation Ideas !

As a huge fan of Greta I would like to encourage every family to stay in London and use public transport to go and see theatre and exhibitions.

Leaving London on a plane is probably using more CO2 in one week than most people do in a year. Even driving the car to the coast or up and down the country can also add massively to pollution.

We are told we have a climate emergency yet think that it is for other people to take action not ourselves.   The idea that double glazing or no meat Mondays or veggie every day can make anything except a marginal difference is the typical way in which we lie to ourselves about how our actions are creating the problems.

So if you were thinking of flying then dont do it !  Cash in your tickets.  Use the money wisely to click the link above and enjoy what is on your doorstep.  London has everything that anyone could ever need.  The best theatres and free exhibitions and amazing history. 

End or begin the day with a meal on the Broadway in one of our fantastic restaurants and cafes.  This will give encouragement to our hard pressed local traders who would love to see you as well. Walk to the Broadway and take the bus home.  Lets appreciate our lovely local area and cut down the car journeys ( that you probably moan about in any case not even realising that you drive everywhere and are the problem )

So lets try and help Greta reach her goal of saving the World.  Of course you may carry on with your pollution making lifestyle - taking planes regularly and using a car to go to the shops.....but our children will pay the price if Greta is right.

We wont have an Environment Monday or whatever - we want every day to be one in which we care about our environment !!   Do you agree ?

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