Saturday, 15 February 2020


It seems that our article which put the blame fully on Barnet Council for blocking the local neighbourhood forum from completing the plan for Mill Hill is happening around the UK but especially in the South East.

Several Forums have failed to be designated and common themes are beginning to be seen.

The most similar to Mill Hill is last weeks surprise rejection by Maidenhead Council.


The exact reason (and in both cases a redundant and incorrect one) of the committee numbers has been used to technically stop the designation.  In both cases the forums had committees which far exceeded the 21 minimum number.

We said in the summer that Councils would have to ditch the plans in order to push through housing quotas.  This wave of blocks shows that planning officers around the South East are acting in a common way with a common purpose.

This means that it is unlikely that Mill Hill will get a plan leaving the area without a layer of protection against overdevelopment or development that spoils the area.

If you want to join the Neighbourhood Forum go to their website and volunteer for the committee or Mill Hill will be without protection from council plans.

Site of proposed power plant in Mill Hill 

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