Wednesday, 22 January 2020


The area has been discussing the proposed upgrade and Gas Plant proposed off Partingdale Lane feverishly in the last week.

We have waited for the two main groups to investigate the proposals and give their views.  The Preservation Society published how to engage with the process and now we have some hard facts about what this Power station means for the area from the Mill Hill Neighbourhood Forum ( who still exist and you can join their committee ready for their designation later in the year.

This is their report [Unedited ] and if making a comment ( LINK BELOW) about the plans this can be referred to as a problem for the area.   We agree that more power and upgrading is needed but not at the expense of more pollution for the area - so we think this is very important for the Council.
Source : MHNF Facebook Page

Planning Application: “Gas Peaking Plant” 19/6641/FUL
According to the information contained in the application the power-station would emit the same daily amount of NOx that 463,000 standard petrol vehicles, each driving 5km in the area, would emit in one day.
The atmospheric dilution mechanism of this emission and pollutant distribution needs technical modelling and studies which take time and resources, but the attached wind-graph diagram shows, that pollution passes through many of the dwellings situated in the south-west of the proposed site.
NOx intake is a proven carcinogenic factor which also contributes to many respiratory problems. The published permitted levels are based on a cost-benefit analysis and are not a health threshold.
This plant doesn't have specific benefit for the local area and just degrades the local environment. The basic concept of the National grid is that it can be built anywhere, with lower exposure to residential areas.
The area's wind-rose graph (see photo-below - taken from the Planning Application documents), shows the dominant wind direction sweeps any emissions from the proposed new Power Station to be built off Partingdale Lane, Mill Hill, towards IBSA, Millbrook Park and may other houses along the Ridgeway, Bittacy Hill and nearby areas.
Here is a simple calculation about the proposed power station emissions based on figures provided in documents provided with the application:
Pollutant Emissions (Ref. Appendix C - Air Quality Assessment Mill Hill Gas Peaking Plant)
NOx : 5.2g/s+4.2g/s=9.4g/s (of two sets of stacks)
CO : 21.6g/s+18g/s=39.6g/s (of two sets of stacks)
Average Daily Emissions (assuming the power stations is operation for 1500hr/year based on the planning documents) :
NOx : 9.4 x 3600 x 1500 / 365 = 139,068 g/day
CO : 39.6 x 3600 x 1500 / 365 = 585,863 g/day
For comparative purposes, EURO6 standard vehicle emission limits are :
NOx : 0.06g/km
CO: 1g/km
This means the power plant operation is equivalent of :
NOx: 2,317,808km/day
CO: 585,863km/day
Assuming each vehicle drives 5km/day in Mill Hill area, this level of pollution emission is equivalent to :
based on daily NOx emissions : about 463,000 standard vehicles
based on daily CO emissions : about 117,000 standard vehicles
This is not a technical method for calculating the pollution emissions for such projects, but the above simple calculations would give a comparative idea against our day-to-day experience.
One may suggest vehicle emissions are mostly important at road-side locations and dissipate with distance from the roads, but no one can ignore the air pollution effect of so many vehicles in a town or near a busy road. This power station gives the same impact to the area.
This pollution will be diluted over the area's atmosphere, but the pollution concentrations will be still very high near the power station, threatening the health of the local residents.
Such pollution sources must be kept away from populated areas. The emission is not at the street level, but from a 11m stack. The height of the emission contributes to lower concentrations on the ground level. Still, we can consider that effect as that number of vehicles passing through a fly-over at a height of 11m, which is quite normal!
Previously the applicant was allowed to avoid producing an Environmental Impact Assessment by Barnet Council’s Planning Department. This decision needs to be reversed and a very full EIA assessment completed before this application can be considered further.
We have sent these calculations to the Council. Perhaps the developer can refute them but they are based on figures from the application.
We encourage all Millhillians to also write to the Council to oppose this development.
Alternatively, email the Planning Case Officer:

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