Tuesday, 12 February 2019

THE SUNDAY POLL | February 10 2019

 Every Sunday for the rest of 2019 we are going to run a POLL on our Twitter account ! It is just a bit of fun and will allow everyone to have a snapshot of opinion in the area. Obviously like with all Twitter polls it is not scientific so please dont base any huge decisions on it . However, as the largest Mill Hill set of Social Media accounts ( Twitter - 3,200 + Instagram 450 + and here with up to 13K views a month (plus our partner accounts of Mill Hill Today 600 on Twitter and up to 7,000 views per issue and the Mill Hill Guide ) we do tend to get a good feel of the opinion in the area.


asked :

What should be the priority for our local councillors ?

 We can only give 4 suggestions and these were the results :

Joint 3. Pavement Parking / The Budget

Thank you for voting and next Sunday at 11a.m until Monday at 11a.m we will vote on Takeaway Food !!! 

We will let our Councillors know the result - and we are not suprised.  Potholes effect us all and there are too many - even on the Broadway we have two large ones that need sorting out.

If you have any ideas for a POLL on the site then please get in touch via Twitter !

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